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From the beauty salon, the girls crossed the highway hungry and ready to eat. Though they tried to be lady-like, their anxiety won out and they ran the last few yards, heals clacking the street and giggles strewn along the way. Parents, siblings and some other friends joined in the birthday celebration and enjoyed pizza, cake and a great fashion show.

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While the pizzas were coming, Brooklyn opened her gifts. Many of the parents and siblings, as well as some of Brooklyn's other friends joined the party at Callies to help in the celebration. Surrounded by pink balloons and purple crate paper, the room was filled with a girlish atmosphere that was sure to scare off too many boys.
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Brooklyn was excited to have grandma Seal come down from Cottonwood for her great birthday celebration. She showed Grandma each present as she open it for her to video tape and take back to grandpa Seal.
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Soon the pizza was ready and the hungry girls enjoyed a great, late lunch.
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After pizza came the birthday Barbie cake. Brooklyn made her birthday wish and blew out the candles.
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The girls had fun giggling and being funny as they ate their birthday cake.

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As always, Brooklyn's favorite part the any cake is the icing, which she always eats first.
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Grandpa Randall stops Brooklyn and Preston for a quick pose during the festivities.

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