San Francisco
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Travel Time
Bed and Breakfast

Getting There

Last year, for Greg's birthday, Susan surprised him with a trip to Las Vegas to see the Beatles Love show by circus de soleil. This year, she decided to take him to San Francisco. We've been to a lot of places, but for some unknown reason, never there.

Prior to the trip, Susan made an unexpected trip to Salt Lake City to help a friend out. So she made a quick change to her flight schedule and was able to meet up with Greg and Brooklyn in Phoenix and still travel with Greg to San Francisco. Brooklyn, on the other hand, was flying up to Idaho for the weekend.

The trip was flawless until the last few minutes of the vacation when we missed our airline flight from San Francisco. We purposefully canceled our flight right at the airport and decided to buy ourselves a new car. This all happened within a 30 minute drive on the Super Shuttle to the airport. More on this later.


Travel Time
Greg and Brooklyn left Safford for Phoenix Wednesday afternoon. Susan was in Salt Lake City, Utah, for the past week with Trina while Trina's mom was in the hospital.

Luckily, Susan was able to get a connection from Salt Lake to San Francisco through Phoenix which was the same flight Greg was on.

Brooklyn, on the other hand, was flying to Boise, Idaho, to meet up with Trina and spend time up there looking at colleges.

After meeting Susan in Phoenix, we send Brooklyn along her way and we also took off to San Francisco. Arriving in San Francisco, we decided to not rent a car due to parking costs. So we headed outside to get into a super shuttle.

Bed and Breakfast at Jackson Court
Susan through the travel arrangements together at the last minute. Hotels were very expensive at that point and were located in unpopular areas. Luckily, she came across a Bed and Breakfast named Jackson Court. We had a wonderful room that had it's own patio.
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"First Day in SF"
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