Shamu is always the big show stopper at Sea World. However, Sea World has changed over the past years to include adventure rides such as "Kraken", a high velocity roller coaster.

Sea World was actually split up into two days. When the Browns arrived on Saturday, we decided to spend half a day and do a few things at Sea World. We would then later return to Sea World on Monday to continue the adventure. However, our timing is way off as the rain started to fall and cut our day short.

After the Browns arrive on Saturday, they get settled into the time share and enjoy a quick lunch. With Trina helping, cooking and cleaning up becomes easier for Susan. It isn't long before we are off to our first park, Sea World.

Arriving at Sea World, Brannon and Trina ride "Kraken", a high speed roller coaster with Greg, Susan, Preston and Brooklyn. Never being on a roller coaster, Shelby is too unsure to try one the first day out and Bodie is too short. Being at Sea World the first week, we learned the only way to make Brooklyn tall enough for Kraken is if she wears her Barbie roller skate shoes. Only questioned once about them, we get on every time and then trade out for regular shoes the rest of the day. From Kraken, we move to Journey to Atlantis where Shelby and Bodie board what appears to be a boat ride, but turns out to be a roller coaster. They love their first fun ride in Orlando. Afterwards the kids pose as the ride drops 100' soaking everyone inside the boat.

We settle into Shamu Stadium and get ready for the Summer Nights show. Against Greg's wishes, we sat in the "Splash Zone" as Shamu performed. Of course, Greg was the only one that got wet and boy--did he get wet.

After the Shamu Show, we end the evening by enjoying the firework display. We returned to Sea World to enjoy the rest of the park on Monday.

After an exciting Sunday at Universal Studios, we spend Monday back at Sea World. Entering the park we stop for a great photo opportunity by the lighthouse. Hot and humid, it would soon get a lot more humid as the rain would run us out of the park by mid-afternoon.

Pets on Stage, a new show, highlights trained dogs, cats, birds, pigs, ducks--you name it, it is there. The animals put on a great show and were happy to greet the kids after the show

Circus De Lemir unveils talented performers performing stunts ranging from acrobatics, to fire dancing, to silk scarf dancing. Each stunt is spectacular and unique.

The master of ceremonies of Circus De Lemir never speaks a word. He leads you through the show communicating via miming. His special act, although not a stunt, takes audience participants and puts them into a boxing ring--of which the boxing ring is made of four guys in the corners with masking tape around them.

A photo shot with a few of the actors from Circus De Lemir.

Of course, Greg and Brannon can't stand not to get into the action. They thought they were getting a picture with just the girl, but then the two guys came in at the end.

The kids visit the Anhauser Busch stables which display the Clydesdales. Trina (who jumps horses) comments that these horses are so big they could just walk over the jumps she uses.

The X-treme games is always a lot of fun to watch as two teams compete in skiing competition. At the end, they all unite to build a pyramid to show their patriotism along with Lee Greenwood's "I'm Proud to be an American" playing in the background.

The show was on hold for a while as storm clouds passed over. It stopped raining long enough to finish the show and since Greg and Brannon got a shot with the girl from Circus De Lamir, Susan and Trina decide to get their own picture with the guys.

Jet skis are a big part of the show. The kids stop to get a photo. Right after this, it began to rain so hard that we decided to quit for the day and run for shelter.

Walking towards the car, everyone (started by Greg, of course) takes advantage of splashing each other with the rain puddles. Thus, the fun starts. Before we know it, it is every man for himself. It seem that the kids all gang up on Greg and Brannon. However, Trina takes advantage of this and "tries" to get Greg. Greg takes care of the problem. Between a down pour and puddle-fun, by the time we get to the parking lot, we are all soaked.

We actually had more fun in the parking lot than inside Sea World.

Although the day was shortened by the weather, we had fun spending time back at the time share. Later that day, we were scheduled to go "sky dive" at Sky Venture. This would be the Browns first time and they were pumped.

Click to continue the story in sequence and go to Sky Venture.