Lydia & Anna Flight
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Lydia & Anna Flight
Time Laps Just Ducky
Flyboarding Compilation 2015
Flyboard Movies
Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta 2015
Idena Mendez Concert
Lady Antebellum Concert
Cleaning the Pool Tile
San Francisco 2015
Beginning of Flyboarding
Gallup Balloon Rally 2014
Carnival Glory 2014
Lindsey Foods Chain Link Fence
Greg Themes his Toes for Football Season
Zuni Ballooning 2014
AZ Cardinals 2014
Apache Lake August 2014
New York 2014
Preston Graduates from ASU!
Pats Run 2014
Zion Mountains and Las Vegas
Antelope Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, Lake Powel
Apache Lake, March 2014... BURRR!
Tempe Color Run 2014
Phoenix Zoo Lights Run 2014
Greg in AZ Cardinal Chute
Susan's 49th Birthday Surprise
Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta 2013: SUNDAY
Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta 2013: FRIDAY
Disneyland/Universal for Prestons Birthday
Apache Lake, Mid July, 2013
Apache Lake, June 2013
Preston and His New Car
Raising the Fence Between Neighbors.
Taking Suzie to Wicked for Her Birthday
NHRA 2013 with Greg, Preston and Paul
New York/Philadelphia then Hurricane Sandy
Albuquerque Balloon Festival 2012
AZ Cardinals 2012
Apache Lake September, 2012
Brooklyns Move to Idaho
Orlando 2012
Apache Lake May, 2012
Apache Lake with Paul and Diane
Apache Lake with Just Mike and Suzie
White Water Rafting in Idaho
Apache Lake, Mid June, 2012
Boys Day at the Lake
Brooks Graduation
Carnival Splendor, 2012
Sedona Valentine Surprise
Sunrise Ski Trip, Feb 11, 2012
Brooklyn Senior Photos
San Francisco
Apache Lake, October 2011
2011 Balloon Festival
Brook White Concert
Brooklyn at Apache Lake
Apache Lake, August, 2011
Apache Lake Late July, 2011
Las Vegas, July, 2011
Apache Lake, June 2011
Apache Lake May 2011 2nd Trip
Prom 2011: Brooklyn
Carnival Paradise, 2011
Carnival Liberty Video!
Sunrise, January 2010
Brooklyn and the Remodel of her Bathroom
Apache Lake, October 2010
Apache Lake, September 2010
Roosevelt Lake with Preston
Preston Moves to ASU
Preston and 18th Birthday at Apache
Saguaro Lake, July, 2010
Apache lake, July, 2010
Orlando 2010
Apache Lake, 1st Week of June, 2010
Graduation Night for Preston
Preston and Graduation Ceremonies
Apache Lake, May 2nd Week, 2010
Preston and his Graduation Announcement
Lake Trip with Greg and his Dad at Apache Lake
Apache Lake, April 2010
Last Ski Trip, 2010
Carnival Liberty 2010
Adding to the Brick Wall
Brooklyn Gets Her Driver License
Brooklyn Finds a Truck
Greg and his Cowboy Photo from ASU
Susan Chasing Balloons
IHBA World Finals Boat Racing Firebird Raceway
Back in the past... Leo LIzzy and Sierra
Apache Lake Mid October. PERFECT TEMP!
Apache Lake September 2009
Apache Lake August 2009
Preston and his Senior Pictures
Water Sports by Preston
Ski Trip for the Day with Martha
Our New Ski Boat
Apache Lake June 2009
First Lake Trip May 2009 with Friends
Mick, Cindy and Eden Come to Safford
Sunrise Ski Trip February 2009
Spring Break in San Antonio and the Beach
Brooklyn's 15th Birthday Scavenger Hunt
AZ Cardinals Going to the Superbowl...
Sunrise Ski Trip January 2009
Arizona Cardinals 2008 Wildcard Playoff
Christmas Ski Trip 2008
Kory, Carrie and Family Come to Visit Us
Updating the Living Room Colors
Preston Flies in with Game Ball
Gregs Old Scrapbook.
Brooklyn has a Return to School Swim Party
Susan Helping Chase Crew for Balloon Festivale
Greg Accepts Temp Position with Indy Racing....
Lake Trip with Kory, Carri and Family
Apache Lake with our friends...
First Lake Trip 2008
Orlando 2008
Swimming Pool Renovation
Preston and Brooklyn's Baptism
Brooklyn's 8th Grade Graduation
Bye Bye to Rail Road Seating Area...
2008 Prom: Preston & Lauren
FBLA Swim Party 2008
Brooklyns 8th Grade Honors
Preston Inducted into NHS
Back Yard Fence Project
Nascar Sprint Series April 2008
Pool Renovation Photos for Subs
Brooklyn Starting Track
Pajarito Ski Trip March 2008
Suzies B. Underwear Adventure
Angel Fire Ski Trip with Bertettos
Preston Earns his Driving Permit
Brooklyn and her 14th Birthday.
Preston as Safety Supervisor on Project Adventure
Trina and Brenna Come to Visit Us!
Skiing at Sandia January 2008
Skiing at Sunrise
Christmas 2007
Preston's Frolic 2007
2007 Albuquerque Balloon Festival
Brooklyn And Kristen
Last Lake Trip 2007
Brooklyn and Aimee
Carnival Freedom 2007: Mediterranean
Kids in Washington, DC
Snow Storm 2007
Orlando: 2006
Brooklyn: Braces Come Off, Yea!
Indy 500- 91st Running
Brooklyn: 7th Grade Recognition
Brooklyn: 7th Grade Pool Party
Orlando: 2004
NHRA Las Vegas
Kite Flying Adventure
Carnival Spirit 2005: Hawaii
Idaho Vacation with the Browns, 2007
Ruidoso Ski Apache, February 24, 2007
Preston: Academic Honors Banquet
Brooklyn: 13th Birthday Party
Brooklyn: Basketball 2006/2007
Snow Skiing in Albuquerque
Christmas in New York/Washington, D.C.
NBC Today Show
Halloween 2006
Limo Ride to Hyatt Regency in Phoenix
Susan in Idaho
Brooklyn: Pool Party on 9/16/2006
Jet Skis
Greg Buys His Speed Boat Back
Greg in a Speedo
Kitchen Expansion
Orange County Choppers
Cardinals Stadium Grand Opening
Carnival Cruise: Eugene Perez
Josh Turner in Concert
Air Chairing at Apache Lake
Carnival Conquest 2003: New Orleans
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