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The girls were finished right on schedule with just enough time for pictures. Of course two hours of getting beautiful is enough to make anyone hungry. Some of the Kool-aide stained mouths had to have a fresh cover of lipstick before heading to the fashion show.

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Serving as the perfect gentleman, Preston enjoyed getting his hair done so that he looked his best for the big event. Brooklyn joins him for a great "after" shot.
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Janelle stands near Preston giggling about him getting his hair done along with the girls. Preston loved the attention and being such an important part of his sister's birthday party.
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Surrounding the birthday girl, all of the girls gather for the perfect salon picture.
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Pretty as a princess, seven year old Brooklyn is excited about how much fun the marvelous make-overs have been.
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Alysa, Shea, Brooklyn, Kaylee, and Brittany group together for a quick "girlfriend" shot after their make-overs. Just imagine them in ten years!
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Surrounded by the girls, Preston loves all of the attention. From left: Analyse, Alysa, Shea, Kaylee, Brittany, Janelle, Amanda, Audra, Rachel. In front, the birthday girl, Brooklyn, with brother Preston.
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Girls with attitude! From left: Analyse, Alysa, Shea, Kaylee, Brittany, Janelle, Amanda, Audra, Rachel. In front, the birthday girl, Brooklyn, with brother Preston.
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In one of their many cute posses that afternoon, the girls show off their new make-overs. Front left: Analyse, Brooklyn, Preston, Rachel. Back left: Shea, Alysa, Kaylee, Brittany, Janelle, Amanda, Audra.
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Debbie John of Priority One had a great time planning and helping with the Marvelous Make-Over Party. This was a first for her and all of the girls and everything went off without a hitch. From left: Janelle, Audra, Amanda, Brittany, Shea, Analyse, Brooklyn, Debbie (kneeling), Preston, Alysa, Kaylee, Rachel.
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Brooklyn, seven, Preston, eight years and six months.

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