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Debbie John's teenage daughter, Brandi, was more than prepared to put make-up on all of the girls. Armed with blush, body glitter, and lots of lipstick, the make-up chair drew the biggest crowd.

Though the make-up jobs were great, several of the girls required freshen-up's after drinking Kool-Aide and eating Goldfish crackers and fruit throughout their two hour stay in the salon.

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First in the make-up chair, Brooklyn sits quietly while Brandi applies blush, body glitter, and lipstick.
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Also waiting to get her hair done, Audra gets her make-up on first.
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Also getting her make-up done before her hair Janelle gets the perfect shade of lipstick from Brandi.
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Brittany starts her Marvelous Make-Over in the make-up chair as well. Rachel, just finished with her hair do, anxiously watches while she waits her turn to get make-up.
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Rachel's make-over just isn't complete until she gets her make-up on to add the finishing touches to this ensemble.
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The girls couldn't resist playing in the great salon chairs at least once each taking turns being spun around by the others.
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Audra, Amanda, and Rachel all look on as one of their friends gets make-up put on. Though limited to lipstick and blush, the girls seemed most excited about the make-up part of the make-over.
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What's a trip to the salon for a complete make-over without getting those nails done. Picking out just the right color was more a matter of what each girl liked than what matched their party dress. Of course, Brooklyn picked pink.
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With hair complete and make-up perfect, the girls anxiously await their turn to get their nails done. Amanda, Janelle, and Shea watch as Pam puts on a glitter coat of polish as a finishing touch.
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Hair stylists, Pam, Becky, and Debbie all work to get each girl's nails complete for the final touch of the make-over.
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Figuring out just what color to pick was a tough choice and one not to be taken lightly. Pink and purple were definitely the top choices.
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With all of the make-overs finished, Debbie does touch-up jobs on the girls removing Kool-aide stains and crumbs so the girls are set for their "after" pictures.

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