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The Great Birthday Skate party began February 23rd at 7:30 Saturday morning when seven of Brooklyn's closest friends made their way to Brooklyn's house to begin the journey to Phoenix. Wound up and excited for a fun-filled day, the first item of business was to decide who was riding where. Since dad's Expedition had the DVD player, a plan was hatched to have half the girls ride with dad until Globe, and then switch cargo with mom who was driving Aunt Jan's Excalade accompanied by good friend Kathy along as an additional chaperon.
The token male again at this year's party, Preston, like dad, doesn't really mind being surrounded by the girls. He does claim his territory up front next to dad for the entire trip. |
Finally in Globe, the girls get excited to switch vehicles and get their chance at watching movies while riding the rest of the way to Phoenix. |
Settling in with a new group of girls, it isn't long before we are back on our way. |
Everyone knows dad can't resist a good race as he is determined to stay in front of mom. |
The true benchmark of "we're almost there" is always the Superior tunnel. It proved to be the only quiet moment of the entire day as everyone held hands in the air and held his/her breath in case the tunnel fell. |
Soon crossing the bridge into Superior, mom stays close behind in the mirror. |