Just as Magic Kingdom has their castle, and Epcot has their "golf ball", Island of Adventure has their light tower. At night, a rotating beacon shines over Orlando. |

After taking on the Rock'n Roller Coaster at MGM, Shelby again braves the fear and goes on the Hulk--the number one roller coaster in the world--and rides with Trina. Notice that both of their hands are up in the air. |

Although Bodie is just a tad too short to ride the coaster, he still wants his picture in front of the Hulk's entrance, knowing that someday he will be back. |

The Hulk has an amazing start. Normally, roller coasters go up the first hill slowly. This one takes off about half way up and does a full twist before it even gets to the top. Here, Shelby poses just before the riders go underground. |

Just one of the many characters found around the super hero area at Island of Adventure. |

Although you can't take pictures inside of the Superman Ride, you can still get a photo in front of his car. |

Brutus takes a moment to pound out the tangles in Brooklyn's hair. |

Barely through the first part of the part, the Superhero area, it's already time to start getting wet. The kids take a moment to squish the water spouts. In doing so, they get a pre soak for things to come. |

Another wet ride! Rip Saw is an adventure ride that is impossible to stay dry on. In fact, this log ride actually drenches you. |

Jurassic Park's entrance is another indication that things are going to get even wetter. |

At the end of the adventure ride, the ride plummets down a 20 story drop and gets everyone wet at the bottom. |

During the 20 story drop, we get a photo shot of us. The Browns are in the front row with the Lindseys right behind. Note that all eight of us are now dropping with our hands up in the air. |
This T-Rex just happened to be hanging around so Brooklyn could check out his teeth.

Shelby was just able to hang on to this adventure ride. |

Dr. Doom's Fear Fall soon became a favorite for the day. We don't know how many times we rode this ride. |

Once you are strapped down, you are blasted off straight up 100 feet into the air and then dropped. |

Popeye's Raft Adventure is the best. People have no idea just how wet they'll get. Within the first 10 seconds of the ride, we get an entire wall of water which comes into the raft. Here it shows spectators on the bridge shooting water at the riders. |

The Browns have no idea just how wet they are about to get. Trina leaves her shoes on whereas everyone else takes off their shoes and puts them under cover. |

Dueling Dragons is the ultimate coaster ride. Two side by side coasters start off at the same time and twist around each other as the ride progresses. |

Although packed in like sardines, Shelby was the bravest of brave on this one. Not only did she ride it once, but three times. |

SpiderMan is a 3-D adventure ride. We sit in a 8 person cart which takes us from one room to the next as it spins and twirls. Each room displays a huge 3-D image on a movie screen. |

Although blurry to the eye, the special 3-D glasses gives us the illusion that Superman's villains are just in front of us. |

Here, the ride simulates that we are falling off a tall building and superman spins a web at the last minute and stops us from crashing to the ground. |

Although the kids are getting older, the adults decide they have to check out Seus' Landing. The kids would rather ride more adventurous rides, but it's time for the adults to have fun. |

Not a traditional carousel without horses, but I guess elephants are OK. |

Brooklyn is starting to take after her mom--she loves to ride carousels. |