Grand Caymen is well known for Stingray City. A place where you can swim with wild stingrays. |
Thursday was the day to live dangerously. Entering the bay at Grand Caymen reminds you that it's going to be a long trip to get off the ship. The port is too shallow to park next to the pier. So tendering is the way to get to and from the ship. That involves waiting in line for sometime to be called to the tender boat.
Once everyone was gathered, we sat in the waiting area until our number was called. Unfortunately, after arriving on the dock, Greg had to return to the ship to get some money. So that took at least an hour to go through the whole process again.
After a 15 minute bus trip, we arrived at the boat that would take us on a one hour cruise to the sandbar where the stingrays were located. During the trip, we gathered our masks and snorkles and enjoyed the trip.