Embarkation to the Carnival Legend...

Two planes, thousands of miles, and fifteen hours later, we landed in Ft. Lauderdale tired and looking forward to getting to the hotel. As we began claiming our luggage, Greg realized he had not packed the USB cord for the digital camera. Unable to download our digital photos without it, we knew we had to find one before we set sail. We decided to look for a Wal-Mart as not much else was still opened. No one at Alamo could tell us where a Wal-Mart was so we headed to the hotel first. Dad had strategically booked a room at the Marriott Marina hotel where we could see the boat from our hotel room window. Once we checked in, we set out looking for a Wal-Mart once more. After asking four people at the hotel with no success, we finally talked to someone who said the closest one was about twenty-five minutes away. Loving a travel adventure anyway, we headed out certain we could find it. At 9:59 p.m., thirty plus minutes later, we walked up to the store front just in time for them to refuse to let us in. After Susan gave the greeter and the security guard a piece of her mind and insisted on seeing the manager, they finally let her in. Unable to find the cord we needed, we ended up purchasing a camera just to get the cord. It was dinner at Taco Bell then off to the hotel to get a good nights sleep.

After paying for the perfect hotel view and setting the alarm for 5:00 a.m. to be sure not to miss the ship coming in, we still missed the blessed event as it came into port sometime after 5:00 a.m. and after Greg fell back asleep!

Staying in the right hotel still gave us the picture-perfect view and helped build the excitement as we started our day.

The foggy cloud cover was just a small taste of the days weather. While it didn't lend itself for good photos, it made for a nice temperature.

We spent the morning shopping for shorts and a swimming suit for Preston, and, after locating a USB cord at a different store, returning the digital camera we bought at Wal-Mart the previous night. By 1:00 p.m. we were on the Alamo bus heading for the pier.

Though they are not teenagers yet, Preston and Brooklyn love the independence that a cruise vacation affords them. They started before we even boarded the ship sitting at the front of the Alamo bus while mom and dad stayed at the back.

Enjoying the new Ft. Lauderdale terminal, we were quickly processed through security, had our cabin keys, and waited for the ship to open its doors.

Getting On Board...

Despite years of cruising with Carnival, we had never seen Freddy, Carnival's new mascot. The kids enjoyed the surprise as well as seeing him at different Camp Carnival events throughout the cruise.

The Carnival Legend is appropriately decorated in ancient legend themes. The dark wood of the ship is lighted by the enormous atrium which opens at the top to the pink glass of the ship's funnel.

After weeks of drilling by dad, Preston and Brooklyn didn't even need help finding the room on the sixth floor, the Empress deck.

We were not sure what to expect for our cabin because, though the cruise was a great deal, there was only a category 11 available instead of a 12 like we were used to. Susan was nervous about closet space and Greg about room in the cabin.

Once we saw the room, we were not at all disappointed. There was still a great dressing area and plenty of closet space. Though the room was a bit shorter, it wasn't noticeable

The balcony was more than large enough with two lounge chairs and two table with plenty of room to move around.

We boarded the ship so early, that even after getting settled into our cabin, when we walked to the Lido deck to get Greg's famous burger, they were not quite ready. Greg had to wait a little while before he could satisfy his hunger.

Walking around the ship...

The cloud cover turned to rain while we were still in the terminal and the rain had not stopped since. We ate inside the cafe instead of on the Lido deck, but enjoyed the smell and feel of the rain after such a dry season back home.

Equipped with three different pools, five hot tubs and a slide, the kids could hardly wait for the next day when they could start swimming through their vacation.

The state-of-the-art gym provided a great view for those who worked out during the cruise. This was the first time Susan worked out in the gym throughout the cruise. She enjoyed the facilities.

The Follies lounge hosted all of the shows throughout the cruise.

More Legend decor.

Greg and Susan both looked forward to truly being away from everything. Though there was an Internet Cafe, we chose not to use it taking a break from real-world problems.

The waterfall and staircase outside the library.

Before we set sail is the only time we really enjoy the Casino as after that, it fills with smoke and noise.

It is always fun to watch the TV or the monitor in the hallway that displays our position and progress.

Brooklyn took special notice of the violin player on board. Each time she played Brooklyn stood in amazement and enjoyed listening to her.

Another shot of the atrium.

Though beautiful, shopping on the Legend was disappointing as their selection of merchandise was extremely limited. Despite that, we managed to spend more than we should.

After a quick bite to eat and tour around the ship, we returned to our cabin and our luggage was already there. Brooklyn insisted on unpacking herself which didn't bother mom at all.

Greg listens as we participate in the life boat drill.

Packed in like sardines, this is mom's least favorite part of the cruise.

As we begin to cast off, we all enjoy the view from our balcony.

Heading out of Ft. Lauderdale port.

To continue, click here to forward to Tuesday's Fun Day at Sea.