Getting to Fort Lauderdale, Florida...

Cruising over spring break to Central America was not part of our travel plans this year, but just by happen-stance, that is exactly what we ended up doing. Instead of cruising for spring break, we had decided to forgo Orlando this summer and had booked a summer cruise with friends. That opened spring break for the perfect time to go somewhere completely different. Susan worked hard planning a trip to Washington DC, a place we had longed to visit. Unfortunately, as war with Iraq loomed in the foreground, that trip slowly fell apart and we decided it was not a good time to visit the capital city. So, Susan swung into gear on plan two--the Florida Keys. Internet research lead to wonderful hotels and stops throughout the Keys and our Itinerary seemed set. THEN, the call came. Our favorite Carnival Cruise Line representative, Eugene, called Greg with an awesome deal. After crunching numbers, his trip was much cheaper than Susan's Key West plans so, before we knew it, we were packing for a cruise to completely different ports.

Our Central America eight-day Cruise didn't leave until Monday. That was great for Susan who enjoyed having all day Saturday to pack instead of rushing around throughout the week trying to be ready to leave. Susan goes through the check-off sheet making sure we don't forget anything.

Glad to have an Expedition into which everything does actually fit, Greg begins loading the vehicle with the eight pieces of luggage.

Preston and Brooklyn did a nice job this year picking out their own clothes for the trip. They spent time Saturday going through their closets picking out just the right outfits and packing their own luggage for the first time.

Sunday morning we head out for the three-hour trip to the airport. Worried about the extra security, we left extra early.

A stop for breakfast just before we head out of town gives Grandpa time to visit with the kids and say good-bye.

Playing with her Gameboy, Brooklyn finds the trip goes quickly.

Preston listens to his James Bond CD kicking back and glad to be on vacation.

Traveling down the road, Dad and mom try not to think about the 16-hour trip ahead of them.

Passing through the mountains provides a great 45 minute scenery break from the desert.

Once on board Southwest Airlines, Preston settles next to dad and Brooklyn next to mom for the three hour flight.

To continue, click here to forward to Embarkation from Florida.