The bus ride was two hours long. Every mile of the trip was green on the left side of the bus and green on the right side of the bus. |

We arrived at a resort and picked our bikes. We were told that there were bikes for our young kids, but that wasn't true. We were worried that the kids would not be able to handle the adult bikes. |

The tour started from the resort and winded down a tiny dirt road until we hit a paved road. The kids started to get a handle on the large bikes. |

Even Greg was starting to enjoy the bike ride. The only bad part was the fact that there was 100% humidity. |

The tour guide stopped us along the way as we saw a lot of wild animals in the jungle. |

We finally arrived at the bottom of the trail which put us on the beach front. We were told we would have time to swim, but we were only given about five minutes which wasn't worth the work. |

Although it was gloomy in the background, it never really rained on us during the trip. |

Arriving back at the resort, we were treated to a small lunch. We were shocked at the accommodations at the resort. We picked up a brochure of the resort and it did not look anything like the actual place we were at. I think if we had seen the resort and came based upon the brochure, we would have been devastated. |

Even through the blurred picture, you could see that the resort had cable systems running through the jungle and guests were allowed to slide down the cables and through the tropical trees. |

The bus ride back was just as long and just as green. Greg wasn't feeling too good on this bus trip but the kids were still excited. In all, the tour was great. |